Anas Zainul Abidin

A few select publications are summarized here. For a full list please download my CV or check my page


Selected Publications

Alteration of brain network topology in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder: A novel functional connectivity perspective.

Proposing novel imaging derived biomarkers for disease

Abidin AZ, DSouza AM, Nagarajan MB, Qiu X, Schifitto G, Wismüller A. (NeuroImage: Clinical. 2018;17:768-77.) [Link]

Large-scale nonlinear Granger causality for inferring directed dependence from short multivariate time-series data.

We introduce a novel method which facilitates conditional Granger causality between two multivariate time series conditioned on a large number of confounding time series with a small number of observations.

Wismüller A., DSouza AM, Vosoughi AM, Abidin AZ (Nature Scientific Reports. 2021;1-11.) [Link]

Detecting cognitive impairment in HIV-infected individuals using mutual connectivity analysis of resting state functional MRI.

Distinguishing subjects with and without cognitive impairment and localizing the effects of disease within the brain

Abidin AZ, DSouza AM, Schifitto G, Wismüller A. (Journal of NeuroVirology. 2020;1-13.) [Link]

Deep transfer learning for characterizing chondrocyte patterns in phase contrast X-Ray computed tomography images of the human patellar cartilage

Characterization of Phase Contrast CT images using features extracted from CNNs and also "hand-crafted" features

Abidin AZ, Deng B, DSouza AM, Nagarajan MB, Coan P, Wismüller A. (Computers in biology and medicine. 2018;95:24-33.) [Link].

Mutual connectivity analysis of resting-state functional MRI data with local models.

Novel perspective for studying fMRI time-series as a chaotic dynamical system

DSouza AM, Abidin AZ, Chockanathan U., Schifitto G., & Wismüller A. (NeuroImage. 2018; 178:210-223.), [Link]

Exploring connectivity with large-scale Granger causality on resting-state functional MRI.

A new and improved take on Granger Causality for large time-series systems

DSouza AM, Abidin AZ, Leistritz L, Wismüller A. (Journal of neuroscience methods. 2017;287:68-79.) [Link].